Friday, March 28, 2008

Save, Prevent, Kill

Sup niggas I am back with a new entry!! Okay this new assignment is called Save, Prevent, Kill. Basically, create an awareness poster with the words Save, Prevent, Kill, Stop etc.

Initial thoughts:

Create an awareness poster, sounds easy enough no? Yeah, but we had to relate it to the visual principles like layout placement of the photos, text, graphics elements etc. While I found that to be rather technical I knew I had to address those somehow or another. So firstly, just like how one of the last powerpoint slides stated, a good poster is simple, conveys meaning fast like in a manner of seconds and is designed for readers on the go. Like Julian said in lecture, a poster succeeds in its purpose when it gets a person(on the move), to stop and actually view the poster. Hence, I simply thought of making my poster simple and eye-catching first.

Also, in typically awesome Alden fashion, I decided to try to be different and deviate from the norm. I knew for sure others would do typical boring shit like save the earth/whales/trees/water or stop abuse/littering etc. While all in good will and (definitely) has more meaning than my work, I thought it was too boring. I mean come on, our posters aren't going public. EXPRESS YOURSELF YO.

Anyway this is my final poster:

Whoa ho ho Alden has really done it this time. SAVE OUR BABES??! hahaha. [Edit: This is a new one I did after consultation with Siti. I have changed back the font of the title back to the original one. Sorry man, I like this font better. And the caption next to the model is changed to a very simple font that's easy to the eyes.
And speaking of eyes I have filled my girlfriend's eyes up with black colour now. APPARENTLY, hollowing them out was just too scary.

Well it's really not meant to be taken seriously. It's a joke. It's a parody of Dove's real and existing advertising campaign, Campaign for Real Beauty(go watch that video of a plain Jane being photoshopped to look better).

Classmates' comments:

I know I offended and pissed some girl off cause she felt the text was "mean".'s a joke.

Another guy felt the hollowed eyes and the red skin of the model was too scary. Okay I used red so as to represent distress in a girl, and the hollowed eyes too, it's not to scare people. Come on! The girl looks hot!

Siti merely laughed and laughed. Good enough for me.

Okay in terms of visual principles and all that, I merely aimed to make it simple, hence if you see, there are like only 3 colours. I placed the "Save our babes" words vertically so as to complement and parallel the model. I used this font so as to make it big, yet simple. And the background is light and pleasing to the eye. THAT'S ALL. I hope you guys like it. Oh for the text, from this view I purposely capitalized the "you" so as to attract a viewer's attention so he could go like "oooh a big YOU? What's this got to do with me and babes?", so maybe he would stop to read the text, HENCE SUCCEEDING IN ACHIEVING THE POSTER'S GOAL!

Work and effort:

Okay I sort of immediately thought up this theme for the poster right after we were dismissed from lecture. Somehow it just came naturally to me.

As mentioned above, I wanted to make it simple, hence the little use of colours. And the model?That's my girlfriend right there. I am using her cause she's hot and I am going all out to capture attention like how a poster should, this time with an attractive girl.

The following are pictures in order of the development of the poster, with commentary.

This is the original raw copy of the picture. Picture may be taken down as I have not asked permission from my girlfriend whether I can put this up, so if she gets pissed off this picture will disappear. Don't be a pervert ah...

Adjusment of colours to make her...OH NO! A SCARY MONSTER!!! Okay an explanation is in order. I used red so as to represent distress(in a girl). And I wanted to go pass that cliche sihoulette thing of using black and white, like the girls in James Bond posters. And again, only 3 colours to be simplistic.

Adding of font and text. Okay this is the piece I presented to the class. This was where it SCARED some guy. The "Save our Babes" title is put up vertically to complement the model. The text is there and in simple fonts for easy read.

Anyway someone suggested shifting my girlfriend a lil to the right so the text below will not be so close to the title of the poster.
Also Siti suggested exchange the fonts of the title with the text.

[Edit:This is the piece I did up after presenting the above one to the class. I showed it to Siti again who suggested playing with the fonts...again. So refer to the final piece above. This piece has been rejected cause the main title font is too...small. It doesn't really reach out to you like the one above. Also, with such a small font, it makes the poster look plain. My girlfriend however, has been shifted more to the right, so that's good cause it has allowed space for the caption too and it doesn't really clash with the main title anymore.

And this is the piece-of-shit sketch I did before starting on anything.

Final thoughts:

Okay not much here. In terms of visual principles and all that I hoped I managed to achieve that. As mentioned, all I thought about was 1. making the poster simple, 2. make it visually attractive and 3. eyecatching enough to make you wanna stop to look at it.
So the "Save our babes" title was done vertically so as to complement the model by the side. And only 3 colours are used.
In my usual awesome fashion I aimed to be unique. Not to dis anyone else's work, but yeah most of them had typical awareness themes. I can't dis anyway since most of them have brilliant artwork whereas mine is like wtf kinda designs with shitty drawings.

Also, I had a lil trouble with Photoshop this time. Had to spend a while getting the colours right and then shifting the model to the side.

Finally, as I demonstrated to the class, this poster should be attractive enough right? I mean if a person walks by he would be like "Eh this girl not bad sia" and stop to look right?


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